All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar

Clinical Posting Schedule

Batch A: 1-6, Batch B: 7-13, Batch C: 14-19, Batch D: 20-26, Batch E: 27-32, Batch F: 33-38, Batch G: 39-44, Batch H: 45-50

Batch Rural Dentistry Elective
R. Therapy
Anaesthesia Elective
R. Diag.
Derma & Vener. Casualty ENT Ortho
A 16-07-15 26-08-15 04-09-15 11-09-15 29-09-15 06-10-15 25-10-15 11-11-15 03-11-15
25-08-15 03-09-15 10-09-15 28-09-15 05-10-15 24-10-15 10-11-15 28-11-15 17-12-15
B -do- 11-09-15 28-09-15 26-08-15 21-09-15 25-10-15 05-10-15 30-11-15 12-11-15
  20-09-15 04-10-15 10-09-15 27-09-15 11-11-15 24-10-15 17-12-15 29-11-15
C 26-08-15 06-10-15 15-10-15 22-10-15 08-11-15 15-11-15 02-12-15 16-07-15 05-08-15
05-10-15 14-10-15 21-10-15 07-11-15 14-11-15 01-12-15 17-12-15 04-08-15 25-08-15
D -do- 22-10-15 02-11-15 06-10-15 26-11-15 09-11-15 05-08-15 03-12-15 16-07-15
  01-11-15 08-11-15 21-10-15 02-12-15 25-11-15 25-08-15 17-12-15 04-08-15
E 27-09-15 07-11-15 17-11-15 24-11-15 12-12-15 16-07-15 26-08-15 05-08-15 11-09-15
06-11-15 16-11-15 23-11-15 10-12-15 17-12-15 04-08-15 10-09-15 25-08-15 26-09-15
F -do- 25-11-15 12-12-15 07-11-15 05-12-15 05-08-15 16-07-15 09-09-15 22-08-15
  04-12-15 17-12-15 23-11-15 11-12-15 21-08-15 04-08-15 26-09-15 08-09-15
G 07-11-15 16-07-15 26-07-15 04-08-15 20-08-15 27-08-15 15-09-15 03-10-15 21-10-15
17-12-15 25-07-15 03-08-15 19-08-15 26-08-15 14-09-15 02-10-15 20-10-15 06-11-15
H -do- 03-08-15 20-08-15 16-07-15 13-08-15 15-09-15 27-08-15 21-10-15 03-10-15
  12-08-15 26-08-15 03-08-15 19-08-15 02-10-15 14-09-15 06-11-15 20-10-15
Download Clinical posting schedule of 7th semester students from July to December 2015